Mount Bulusan Eruption Situation Report #1 June 06, 2022 11:00 am

Situation Overview

The restive Mount Bulusan had been under alert level 0 (normal) for more than eight months until its explosion yesterday, June 5 at around 10:30 am in the morning. Several portions of Sorsogon Province were covered in ash after Bulusan’s phreatic or steam-driven eruption with steam-rich gray plumes rising about a kilometer and dispersed wet ash to the west side. According to the Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, six municipalities were affected by Bulusan’s sudden eruption, this includes the municipalities of Irosin, Juban, Bulusan, Barcelona, Casiguran, and Gubat with more than 230,000 residents.

According to the Bulusan Volcano Network (BVN), they have recorded a total of 77 earthquakes in the past 24-hour observation period prior to its phreatic eruption. Due to this incident, thousands of families living near the volcano have been forcibly evacuated, however, several residents are still reluctant to flee their homes as they were not sure of their situation in the evacuation center.

No casualties were recorded but alert level 1 status or low-level unrest is now placed over Bulusan Volcano, which signifies that it is currently in an abnormal condition. Philvocs also reminded local government units (LGUs) and the public that entry into the 4-kilometer radius Permanent Danger Zone should be strictly prohibited and surveillance of the 2-kilometer Extended Danger Zone in the southeastern section should be carried out due to the increased possibilities of sudden and hazardous phreatic eruptions.

Meanwhile, the agency also alerted people living within valleys and along river/s, especially in the southeast, southwest, and northwest sectors to be vigilant against sediment-laden stream flows and lahars in the event of heavy and prolonged rain in case there is a phreatic eruption.
Source: Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)

Affected Populations

The town of Juban was also one of the most affected by the Bulusan’s eruption where several residents were forcibly evacuated. Preliminary results of the initial assessment conducted by our regional center Tarabang sa Bicol (TABI) some 1,002 persons or 257 families in Barangay Puting Sapa was affected by the ashfall. About 173 individuals or 53 families in this barangay are currently seeking refuge in evacuation centers. Moreover, Barangays Calateo, Sipaya, Aroroy, Buraburan, Catanusan, Anyog, Mabini, Rangas, Sipaya, and Maalo were also affected by the ashfall.

Ashfall were also experienced in four barangays namely; Bolos, Mombon, Cogon, Gulang-Gulang, and Tinampo with nearly 800 families slightly affected. Safe drinking water has been one of the expressed needs as the majority of the people residing in these areas rely on spring water which are might be contaminated by the ashfall.
Source: Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, Tarabang sa Bicol

Emergency Response Efforts
• CDRC along with its regional center on the ground continues to monitor the situation and has begun issuing situation reports. Tarabang sa Bicol (TABI) conducted the initial Damage Needs and Capacity Assessment in the affected barangays of Irosin, Sorsogon.
• CDRC has opened a “Call for Donation” for the families affected by the volcanic eruption in Sorsogon.

Resources Available
• Standby emergency funds
• Prepositioned goods at the CDRC warehouse
• Monetary and in-kind donations

Expressed Needs
• Immediate needs of the affected individuals include food, drinking water, facemasks (KN95), and hygiene kits.

Regional Center
1. Tarabang sa Bicol (TABI)
1. Hanna Fiel, Deputy Executive Director, 0945-8355589,
2. Cora Jazmines, Local Partnerships Department, 0928-182-4969,